To celebrate Xmas and New year, we are gathering the following artists from Denmark and abroad:
Annette Graae, objekter
Carsten Nash, akvarel, maleri
Cevdet Kocaman, maleri
Georg Metz, teatre
Helle Bertram, akvarel
Johnny Williksen, akvarel, skulptur
Joseph Salamon, skulptur
Josephine Ernst, foto
Kuutti Lavonen, grafik
Mai-Mai Ulrich, skulptur
Marietta Bonnet, pastel
Mette Bruhn, keramikkrukker
Mogens Kischi, skulptur
Nulle Øigaard, tekstilbilleder
Olof Wettre, maleri
Peter S Opstrup, skulptur
Tarja Taarup, maleri
Thorunn Bara, maleri
Vibeke Gottlieb, maleri
Vivi Linnemann, objekter
Exhibition Opening Saturday 30/11 from 13-16
In December, we are open from 11 til 16 hrs on Saturday and from 12 til 16 hrs on Sunday 8 and 15th of December, in additrion to our usual opening hours Tuesday-Friday 12-18 hrs.
The gallery will remain closed between Christmas and New Year, re-opening on Tuesday 7th of January.