Filippo says:
I developed this idea I had 17 years ago. Basically what I do is recycle and upcycle old radios and Lego bricks into sculptures that you can hang on walls (the radios still work and are safe to use, safety first!). The concept behind my art is to give a new life to objects no one wants anymore by means of an art which is interactive and approachable to ultimately fill the ever existing gap between Art itself and the observer.
The rest of the exhibition “recycles” graphic works by several of the houses´s artists: JANNIS KARYDAKIS – screen print, ALASTAIR MACK – screen print, TAE IM KWAK – collography, ERICH SAHLI – etching & drypoint, SIGRID VALTINGOJER – wood cut and TRYGGVI OLAFSSON – lithography.