Mogens Kischi

Works and lives in Frederiksberg, Copenhagen.

Background & Exhibitions


Kischinovsky made his debut at the Artists‛ Winter Exhibition (Kunstnernes Vinterudstilling) in Copenhagen in 1995 and the following year displayed three installations at the Artists‛ Fall Exhibition (Kunstnernes Efterårsudstilling). Since then, he has had several exhibitions in Denmark and internationally.

Mogens Kischinovsky’s pictures evoke a smile and thoughtfulness at the same time. His preferred motif is people. With a stroke of humour he creates depth in his pictures and gives his works a dimension that transcends the motif itself. We see ourselves from without – and smile a bit while at the same time being somewhat disturbed by the absurd situation in which one seems to be caught.

After an exhibition at the SAK art building in Svendborg, art critic Iben Friis Jensen from the Funen county newspaper (Fyns Amts Avis) wrote: „Mogens Kischinovsky presents both body and mood in simple portraits / figure studies….also Kischinovsky’s charcoal drawings of almost cubistic style reveal an artist with strength‟. Mogens Kischinovsky’s pictures are painted in colourful, broad strokes – in his own distinct style.

Art critic Tove Marie Petersen wrote: „Mogens Kischinovsky paints nude studies in a very brutal and expressionistic way.‟

Source: Kultunaut

Other assignments
Logo and streamer for Herlev Hospital, Denmark
Illustrations for childrens book „Finji‟, China
Member of
The November 18th Society of Artists
Artist group AURORA
Artist Association MULT
The Funen Printmaking Workshop
VAI Visual Artists Ireland
IAA International Association of Artists


Juried exhibitions
1995  Artists Winter Exhibition, Denmark
1996  Artists Fall Exhibition, Denmark
2008, 2009  The Spring Exhibition, Denmark
2012  Kerteminde Art Festival, Denmark
2014  Gallery Heike Arndt, Mini Prints Berlin
2015  MKK, Malmoe Town Hall, Sweden
2016  FRB-Kunst, Frederiksberg Town Hall, Denmark

Museums (Curated exhibitions)
2007  Sundbyberg Museum, Sweden
2007  GRAFIX biennale, Břeclav Museum, Czech Rep.
2009  Frederiksborg Museum, portrait exhibition
2009  Lyngby Town Library, litograph donated to UNICEF
Sold at Sophienholm Art  Museum
2010-2011  Represented in Brewer Jacobsen’s Nordic Portrait competition „Portrait now!‟ with the following tour of Nordic art museums in:
Sweden:  Ljungbergmuseet, Ljungby,
Iceland:  Akureyri Kunstmuseum, Akureyri, 24
Finland:  Tikanojas Konsthem, KUNSTI, Åbo
Norway:  Norsk Folkemuseum, Oslo
2015   Ploiesti Art Museum. Iosif Iser International Engraving Biennal, Romania
2016  Brandts, Odense, Denmark
2017  Kastrupgaard Collection, Denmark

Other Selected Exhibitions
2005   Køge City Hall
2006-08  Gallery Pialeh, Copenhagen
2006-13  Gallery Nybro, Copenhagen
2007-08  ”Art in the Tent”, Hornbæk Art Museum , Denmark
2007  Ministry of the Environment, Denmark
2008  ”The Circle”, Group Exhibition, Helligåndshuset, Copenhagen
2008  Naestved International Mini Print Exhibition, Denmark
2008  Kulturspinderiet, Silkeborg, Denmark
2008  Aurora, guest artist, Brøndsalen, Copenhagen
2009  ”The Circle”, Group Exhibition, Helligåndshuset, Copenhagen
2009  ”The Circle”, Group Exhibition, Filosofgangen, Odense, Denmark
2009  Gallery Nybro, Jubilee exhibition, Brøndsalen, Copenhagen
2009  Aurora, Palæfløjen Roskilde, Denmark
2010  SAK Art Institute, Svendborg, Denmark
2010  Tåstrup Cultural Centre, Denmark
2010  Aurora, Group Exhibition, Helligåndshuset, Copenhagen
2011  Aurora, Farum Cultural Centre, Denmark
2011  ”The Circle”, Bispegården, Kalundborg, Denmark
2012,13  Réalités Nouvelle, Paris. Invited guest artist.
2012  Aurora, Helligåndshuset, Copenhagen
2012  GJEM, Portalen, Greve, Denmark
2012  Aurora, Gjethuset, Denmark
2013  „Rejsestalden‟ Cultural Centre, Jaegerspris, Denmark
2013  Poetry of the Elements, sculpture biennale, Ølgod, Denmark
2013  Crossing Borders, Sculpture Biennale, Thy, Denmark
2013  Sculpture Park Bornholm, Nexø, Denmark
2013,14  Mult, Helligåndshuset, Copenhagen. Invited guest artist
2013   Gallery Merde, Copenhagen
2014,16,18  Waiting for Noa, Brøndsalen, Copenhagen
2015  Gallery Bloch
2015  Art and Jazz, The Metronome, Copenhagen
2015-19  Mult, Helligåndshuset, Copenhagen
2015  Réalités Nouvelle, Paris
2016  Gallery Krebsen, Copenhagen
2017  Annaborg, Hillerød, Denmark
2017  „Sculpture in Bissee‟, Germany
2017  Gallery Korinth, Fåborg, Denmark
2017  Gallery Krebsen, Aurora, Copenhagen
2017  Elværket, Frederikssund, Denmark
2018  Høfde 90, Sculpture Biennale, Agger, Denmark
2018  Danish-Jewish Art 2018, Copenhagen Town Hall2018  Gallery Krebsen, „September‟
2018  Politiken Newspaper, „October ´43
2018  Gallery Krebsen, Christmas exhibition
2019  Pakhusgallery, Nykøbing Sj., Denmark
2019  Marc Rothko Art Center, Latvia
2019  Graphics in the west, Gothenburg, Sweden

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