My name is Annette Falk Lund, born in 1964 in the country formerly known as the GDR.
I’m a self-taught painter and have passionately developed my professional creative work since 2005.
Most of my work consists of oil and gouache painting on coarse canvas and limestone paper. I’m obsessed with narratorial and mystical, inviting motives and figures, but I also dwell in abstractions, that derive their attraction from the interplay between lines and colors.
Drawings, both as external sketches and integral elements, serve as a central set of tools, that I use to elaborate on the theme of each painting.
To work with narratorial motifs is a kind of soliloquy („Selbstgespräch‟) for me. The improvisational character of my method is perhaps best described like this:
– a brush dipping into a glass of water
– an oilstick losing its way on the vast canvas
– gouache dripping from my hand, meeting its fate
– constant agitation. exploratory. with no destination in mind
The result is an allegory over humanity and nature, or humans in nature.
1999: Varmegalleri Minimal X, Copenhagen, Denmark, Women in Europe, Galleri Shambala, Copenhagen. 2000: VII. Kunstausstellung in Skt. Andreasberg, Germany. 2001: Livet er et løfte Galleri Shambala, Copenhagen. 2002: Gallopperiet Christiania, Copenhagen, Galleri Basement Art, Copenhagen. 2003: Cobrarummet Ved Sophienholm, Lyngby, Denmark, Vestsjællands Kunstudstilling (censored), Unterwegs Rathausgalerie Witten, Germany. 2007: Efterårsudstillling Gimsinghoved (censored), Denmark, Kirsten Kjærs Museum, Langvad, Denmark. 2008: soloexhibition at Filosofgangen, Odense, Denmark. 2009: lineart 09 with Galleri Varming, Gent, Belgium, POW WOW SHALOM at Hellerup Kunsthandel, Copenhagen. 2010: KS Tistrup (censored), exhibition at gallery Smiðjan í Lítluvík Thorshavn, Faroe Islands, MulThyMini at Det Ny Kastet in Thisted, Denmark, Christmas exhibition at Morsø Kunstforening, Nykøbing/Mors, Denmark. 2011: soloexhibition Vanitas at VON Raum, Berlin, Germany, soloexhibition at Tranum Strandgaard, Tranum, Denmark. 2012: solo exhibition at Galleri Bredgade, Copenhagen, Denmark. 2013: exhibition Blind date at Galleri Stenseminde, Vadum, Denmark, soloexhibition at Galerie Artae, Leipzig, Germany, Easter exhibition at Dronninglund kunstcenter, Dronninglund, Denmark. 2016: group exhibition at Galerie Artae, Leipzig, Germany. 2017: group exhibition at Frederikshavn Kunstmuseum Derfra min verden går, Denmark. 2018: groupexhibition at Doverodde Købmandsgaard, Denmark. 2019: soloudstilling at Galleri Krebsen, Copenhagen, Open Call exhibition, Gimsinghoved, Denmark. 2020: Open Call exhibition at Hvidovre Bibliotek.
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