I have set out to investigate these three elements, light, clay and space, and not least the interaction between them, for an exhibition in Galleri Krebsen.
Based on a low-fired, very transparent porcelain I have in recent years been researching and developing different light screens for walls, exploring possible shapes and different ways to manipulate the material – painting, pouring, spraying and pressing.
It is all about illustrative light than can create an atmosphere. How does different lighting affect the way se see a room?
The wall lamps should also in themselves form part of the room’s furniture, as luminous elements, a kind of illuminated pictures on the wall, abstract narratives….
In my exhibition I will show different light screens, single and in pairs, in various formations on the walls of the beautiful gallery space.
In addition, I will show a few sculptural works, small and large ceramic jars, pictures in fresco technique, as well as large soft distemper paintings on paper.